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Bearcat Double Cut Red Clover

Fierce Forage Yield & Disease Resistance


Bearcat is a medium maturity, double-cut red clover. Complimented by aggressive regrowth and a superior disease resistance package, it has shown outstanding stand persistence and high forage yield.


  • Aggressive regrowth and high forage yield
  • Disease resistance
  • Stand persistence in harsh environments

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Use Hay & Pasture
Root Habit Tap Root with Branches
Plant Type Upright
Special Traits
Preferred Growing Conditions Best suited to areas with good moisture and good drainage; tolerates lower pH soils
Production Period Spring
  • Bloat hazard
  • Short-lived
Approx. Seeds/lb 275,000
Seeding Rate lb/acre 7-11


Environmental Tolerances
Winterhardiness Above Average
Drought Tolerance Low to Moderate
Flooding Tolerance Moderate
Optimum pH 5.5 – 7.5
Acidity Tolerance Moderate
Alkalinity Tolerance Moderate
Salinity Tolerance Low
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